Here's my completed sweater! I've been working on it for two+ years. That is, if 'working' means keeping it hidden in my closet and forgetting about it for a year and a half. AT (=Aunt Teresa) has reassured me that this is still a success, at least it hasn't been sitting around since 1985. That's older than I am. The yarn and pattern are from a Japanese knitting supply company called Noro. I don't have qualms about using their yarn, because the quality is so high, though maybe I should be looking for some local yarn for my next project. I love variegated yarns, and patterns that show off the color changes. I want to try hand-dyeing this summer. Anyway, now I am

Because knitting projects take me so long, my taste often changes completely from the time I start the project, and the finished product sometimes ends up looking completely different than I envisioned it anyway. Glad to say that I still want to wear these, though the elf slippers don't leave the house.
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