Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Adventure Parts 2-6

What more could I add?  New friends.  A club with lighting like stars exploding all over my skin, dancing through supernovas.  Being sorely tempted by the ice cage, which required donning Russian hats, fur coats and drinking vodka.  Riding trains, always my favorite thing to do, and running through a train station, weaving around posts and between people to get on the subway just before the doors close, Felicia in high heels, everyone out of breath, hearts racing.  

Late night snacks and feeling like a complete teenager, extending, unculrling conversation in the smoky pale dawn, being too excited and full of party to sleep, keeping each other awake and cuddling, pretending to yell at the guy with the lawn mower, 'people are trying to sleep'.  Breakfast at 4pm (and I'm the only one who eats breakfast food, coke and cigarettes are not for me). 

Frivolous underwear shopping which turned into trying on dresses, which turned into buying the dress I wasn't looking for but should have been.  The deal-clincher was getting locked out of my changing room stall and being able to wriggle under the door in said dress.  

An adventure in making dinner, or was it lunch? And of course pie.  Apple pie.  And being too tired and leaving dishes in the sink (what a luxury!).  And speaking of luxury, a hot tub in a place where the houses have columns and big porches.  Very impressive lighting fixtures.  


A smallish road trip with a new-to-me musical playing on the tape deck, and my bare feet out the window.  It could be better, it could be raining, and just as we were about to reach our destination, the weather obliged.

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